Rikke Quistorff Jensen

Rikke Quistorff Jensen


What makes you you?

My body, which I fully trust and understand now. I have a very secure gut feeling/ intuition, which makes me very confident in my choices in life in general. My motherhood and making my 2 boys feel safe is my only obligation.

What inspires you?

People inspire me. How people present themselves in communication, humour, how they dress, how they life their life etc.

Having deep meaningful conversations with family, friends and even my costumers inspires me.

When I meditate and work out I get inspired in life in general. Especially finding comfort and peace in my inner self and not in material things that only gives you a form of satisfaction for 1 second. I’m working on that and finally finding a surtain calmness in my life, and hopefully this will continue for the rest of my life. I’ll be the calmest and most zen grandma when I get old - I hope haha.

My 2 bobs boys are my biggest inspiration in life, everything I do in life is for them having the best life. It has to be safe but also a lot of fun. Life’s short you know.. 🥲

What are your passions?

My passion for life is to always evolve and keep learning. I love working out and use my body. I hope I can continue doing so for the rest of my life.

Being self-employed drives me but it also has its dark times. But the tough times also make me work harder to pursue my goals. It’s like having my own invisible boss who keeps knocking the back of my head like “GET UP - YOU GOT THIS” But really it’s my self confidence in trusting myself I can do this without anyone else telling me what to do.

So… to sum that up my passion is to be the best in what I do.

What is a lesson that you have learnt and you wish you knew before?

TRUST MY GUT ALWAYS in every aspect of life and every situation life puts me through. Don’t be fooled by others opinions or beliefs. Believe myself and the way I want to live my life.

When do you feel the most confident?

When I’m alone and have the time to really breathe deep and feel myself and notice where I am and what I feel at the moment.

I feel comfortable when I’m having fun with the best people in my life - that’s a moment where I really feel alive and present.

And of course everyday with my husband and my 2 boys - I love my everyday life with them and it makes me comfortable and very fortunate.

And when I’m in my saga swimsuit at the beach - oookuuuurrrr.


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